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Demand Planning Automation Solution

Q2Chain's Demand Planning Automation Solution, where precision and sophistication define the future of demand forecasting. Our platform is designed to meet the complex demands of demand planning, incorporating advanced features and mathematical models to ensure unparalleled accuracy

Key Features


Mathematical Model of Demand Forecasting

Q2Chain's mathematical model is at the forefront of demand forecasting, incorporating trends and seasonality for a comprehensive and accurate forecast



Detailed Forecasting to SKU, Pieces, and Currency

Drill down to the finest details. Q2Chain enables demand forecasting with precision, detailing forecasts at the SKU level and providing quantities in pieces and currency



Forecasting for Stock Points and Separate Assortment

Tailor your demand forecast to specific stock points and assortments. Q2Chain allows you to build forecasts that align with your unique business requirements



Calculation of Seasonality Coefficients

Q2Chain automates the calculation of seasonality coefficients, providing a nuanced understanding of demand patterns throughout the year


Application of Approved New Product Data

Seamlessly integrate data on new product introductions into the assortment, ensuring that your demand forecast is always reflective of the latest offerings


Application of Approved Promotions and Events

Incorporate approved promotions and events into the overall demand forecast. Q2Chain ensures that your forecasting model adapts to the dynamic nature of your promotional activities


Evaluation of Forecast Accuracy (MAPE, BIAS)

Q2Chain includes tools to evaluate the accuracy of your demand forecast, utilizing metrics such as Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and BIAS for continuous improvement


Convenient Graphs

Visualize your forecast data effortlessly. Q2Chain provides convenient graphs for a quick and intuitive understanding of demand patterns


Interactive Expert Edits

Empower your experts with interactive editing capabilities. Q2Chain allows expert interventions to refine the forecast, ensuring that human insights complement automated models

Result ☑

Forecast Accuracy of up to 97%

Business Meeting
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